Hazel House: The Foundation

The hazel tree
is known for helping those who seek it’s magic discover hidden and innate wisdom to transform their lives.
Over the last twenty-plus years, the path of my healing journey has taken quite a few turns. I have been fortunate enough to work with a number of talented therapists and healers, with all kinds of backgrounds, approaches, and different gifts to offer. Without having had each one of these experiences, I know I wouldn’t be where I am today.
And even though I would like to learn every skill and be an expert in every area, alas I cannot. So, I’ve done the next best thing; I’ve assembled a team of hand-picked practitioners who, together, can provide a well-rounded treatment experience for anyone who desires our holistic approach. I feel very fortunate to work with such an amazing group of people who support, teach, challenge, inspire, and love each other, and who are so willing to offer their gifts to you.
I knew, soon after earning my graduate degrees, that I wanted to open a holistic, integrative center. It took me several years to build up the confidence to take the first step, but once I put it out to the universe that I was ready, things started moving along quickly. I also knew that I wanted to name the center after a tree, as they, too, have been an integral part of my healing journey. Trees are big, strong, solid, grounded, and often very beautiful. Scientists are now discovering that they also communicate with and protect one another - they exist and thrive in community. Furthermore, they provide essential things for us to live: paper, wood, and food. I began to sift through lists of trees and their symbolism, and that’s when I discovered the Hazel tree. It said ...
It was a perfect fit, especially because my favorite grandmother had Hazel as her middle name, and because I’m a sucker for alliteration. Hazel House Holistic Healing was born.
After a year of research, planning, business development, and house-hunting, we opened our doors in the summer of 2016. We’ve had steady growth, thanks to the referrals of colleagues and clients whose trust we’ve earned. I am ever grateful to be living out my vision, and to be a part of the highly-regarded Hazel House team, providing what I believe to be the best quality mental health care available in the Nashville area. It is my sincere hope that we can share what we've built with you, too.
Hazel trees symbolize magic, hidden wisdom, innate talents, intuition, creativity, healing, and transformation.
That’s why it has become my mission to offer others access to some of the same experiences that have helped me heal.

Lindsay E. Vaughn, Psy.D., HSP, CSP
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Founder and Director
Hazel House Holistic Healing